Series B Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement

A Series B Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement: Understanding the Basics

When it comes to funding a startup, there are several financing options available, including venture capital and angel investing. One of the most common methods of funding is through the sale of preferred stock. Preferred stock represents ownership in a company, with certain preferential rights and privileges over common stock.

Series B Preferred Stock is a type of equity security that is typically issued by a company when it has already raised its initial round of funding (Series A), and is looking to raise additional funds for growth and expansion. A Series B Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement is a legal contract between a company and an investor, outlining the terms and conditions of the purchase of Series B Preferred Stock.

Key Terms of a Series B Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement

1. Purchase Price: This is the price at which the investor agrees to purchase the Series B Preferred Stock. The purchase price is typically calculated based on the company`s valuation, which is determined by its financial performance, market size, and growth potential.

2. Dividend: Series B Preferred Stockholders are often entitled to receive dividends before common stockholders. The dividend rate is usually fixed but can be variable in certain circumstances.

3. Liquidation Preference: The liquidation preference refers to the priority order in which the proceeds from a company`s sale are distributed to investors. Series B Preferred Stockholders typically have a higher liquidation preference than common stockholders, meaning that they will be paid out first in the event of a liquidation event.

4. Conversion Rights: Series B Preferred Stockholders usually have the option to convert their preferred shares into common shares. This is typically done when the company goes public or is acquired by another company.

5. Voting Rights: Series B Preferred Stockholders may have certain voting rights, including the right to elect members of the board of directors or to vote on major corporate decisions.


A Series B Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the purchase of Series B Preferred Stock. It is an important tool for startups seeking to raise additional funds for growth and expansion. By understanding the key terms of a Series B Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement, investors can make informed decisions about investing in a startup, while companies can ensure that they are securing the financing they need to succeed.