Wto Agreement on Safeguards Pdf

The WTO Agreement on Safeguards, also known as the Agreement on the Implementation of Article XIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, is one of the most important trade agreements in the world. This agreement outlines the rules that govern the use of import safeguards by WTO member countries. The goal of these safeguards is to provide temporary relief to domestic industries that are suffering from increased competition from foreign imports.

The WTO Agreement on Safeguards was established in 1994 and has been updated several times since then. The latest version of the agreement was adopted in December 2013 and is available in PDF format from the WTO website. This document is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the rules that govern international trade and the use of import safeguards.

The PDF version of the WTO Agreement on Safeguards is a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of import safeguards, including the criteria that must be met for a safeguard measure to be imposed, the notification and consultation requirements that must be followed, and the conditions under which a safeguard measure can be extended or terminated.

One of the key features of the WTO Agreement on Safeguards is the requirement for WTO member countries to provide notification and consultation before imposing a safeguard measure. This ensures that affected countries have an opportunity to provide input and that the measure is not used as a protectionist tool.

Another important aspect of the agreement is the criteria that must be met for a safeguard measure to be imposed. These include a demonstration that imports of a particular product have increased, that domestic producers have suffered serious injury as a result, and that the safeguard measure is necessary to prevent further injury.

In addition to these criteria, the WTO Agreement on Safeguards also sets out specific rules for the duration and extent of safeguard measures. These measures must be temporary and must not be used as a way to protect inefficient domestic industries.

Overall, the WTO Agreement on Safeguards is an essential document for anyone involved in international trade. By understanding the rules that govern import safeguards, businesses can better navigate the complex world of global commerce and ensure that their trade practices comply with international norms and standards.